+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Describe the causes for the rise of Non-Aligned Movement.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Causes that led to the Emergence of Non-Aligned Movement are as follows.

1. Birth of Nationalism: As a result of the birth of nationalism, many , ** and *** countries got Independence before the onset of the Cold War. They decided to remain independent of the power blocs.

2. Problems of Non-Aligned Countries: Problems like ***, illiteracy, unemployment, and overpopulation faced by the third world countries led to the rise of Non-Aligned Movement. It was inevitable for these countries to join one ideology or an institution to find solutions to these common problems.

3. Policy of World peace: World peace was affected by the constant conflict between capitalist and ***** blocs affecting other Countries. Hence Non-Aligned Movement emerged to establish world peace.

4. Economic Exploitation: The Non-Aligned countries came together to free themselves from the economic exploitation and dependence on developed countries to achieve development.

5. Opposition to the dominance of power blocs: Non-Aligned countries came forward to oppose the two power blocs of the world, which imposed their dominance over them.

6. Principles of Panchasheela: The Panchasheela principles of Nehru inspired the weaker countries to protect their freedom and existence. It led to the birth of Non-Aligned Movement.

7. Able Leadership: Able leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Abdel Nasser, Marshal Tito, and Ahmad Sukarno played an important role in the Non-Aligned Movement.

8. Cold War: Cold War started between the two power blocs. Non-Aligned Movement was needed to bring it under control.
