1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. ** used to be called “the Dark Continent” because **** geographers and map-makers knew little about it.
  2. They did not know where the rivers ran, where the mountains and deserts were. They knew little about the people who lived there, their languages and cultures.
  3. ** is no longer called “the Dark Continent” because satellite technology has made it possible for the whole earth to be mapped.
  4. Its called the "Dark Continent" because of the abundance of dense natural vegetation throughout the continent. The Trees grew taller and taller as they had to compete for sunlight and also their leaves grew ** as they had to utilize the smallest amount of sunlight.
  5. Animals and humans also had to compete for food and survival was very tough.
  6. Since going through the jungle was tough and dangerous, colonist and invaders preferred to call ** as the "Dark Continent" due to the lack of sunlight in the lower level of the the biosphere.