+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

बिन्दा कहानी का सारांश अँग्रेजी में लिखें।

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

‘Binda’, written by Mahadevi Varma, presents a beautiful character sketch of her childhood friend.

Binda was the author’ childhood friend. Her mother had *** during her childhood, and her father had remarried. Thus, her childhood was spent under the strict supervision of her stepmother and her harsh punishment.

Binda’ stepmother was called ‘Pandithayin Chachi’ by everyone. Binda’ daily routine and chores kept on ticking like the hands of a clock. Her vocabulary did not contain the words ‘rest’ or ‘leisure’. Whether it was summer or winter, Binda had to do the chores of the household, day and night. Then, she had to serve her stepmother.

If Binda was out of sight even for a few minutes, her step-mother would roar as a lioness and Binda would shiver like a fawn. Binda’ step-mother would scold her for the smallest things. That was not all; she would shower Binda with very **** swear-words and abuses.

The author was also of Binda’ age, but could not understand Binda’ painful story. The author would not do any of the household chores and yet her mother would never scold her. However, Binda would work day and night like an ox in the fields and still receive **** at the end of the day. The author’ young mind could not understand her friend’* situation.

One moonlit night, Binda was looking up at the stars and told the author that her mother had become a star, up in the sky. The author, upon returning home, told her mother to never become a star. She told her mother to stay with her always. The author’* mother was shocked to hear this.

Binda was struck by small-pox. Her parents left her on a cot in the courtyard and began to live in the upper section of the house. Binda would lie alone on the cot.

Binda lay on the cot, groaning and crying in pain, for many days. One day, suddenly, the author found out that Binda had gone to meet her mother, up in the sky. The image of Binda’* sad face remained imprinted in the mind of the author. She could never forget her poor friend Binda.
