+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

What harsh realities of life have drawn the speaker’* attention much more than the beauty of his beloved?


How is the speaker in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’ affected by the harsh realities of mankind?


What realities of life are experienced in the poem ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

The beauty of his beloved cannot keep him riveted to it as other harsher realities of life trouble. him. Pitted against his beloved’ beautiful face, he sees bodies bathed in blood, smeared with dust, and sold from market-place to market-place. He can also see bodies which are afflicted by a number of ** and bodies from which pus oozes out. That is why, though his beloved’ face is still beautiful, he cannot give his undivided attention to the beauty of the face alone.
