+1 vote
in English by kratos

Subject-Verb Agreement

  1. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  2. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  3. The scissors are sharp. (Please note that there is no mistake in this sentence. Only when we use the phrase ‘A pair of scissors’


‘The pair of scissors’, we write, ‘A pair/The pair of scissors is sharp:)

  1. The premises of the court are clean. (Please note that there is no mistake In this sentence.)

  2. He brings glad tidings.

  3. His means are ample.

  4. Poetry enlightens a wounded heart.

  5. The number of cases is on the rise.

  6. You, my son, are a good boy.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

  2. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

  3. The scissors are sharp. (Please note that there is no mistake in this sentence. Only when we use the phrase ‘A pair of scissors’


‘The pair of scissors’, we write, ‘A pair/The pair of scissors is sharp:)

  1. The premises of the court are clean. (Please note that there is no mistake In this sentence.)

  2. He brings glad tidings.

  3. His means are ample.

  4. Poetry enlightens a wounded heart.

  5. The number of cases is on the rise.

  6. You, my son, are a good boy.
