+2 votes
in Class 9 by kratos

Let ABCD be a parallelogram of area 124 cm2. If E and F are the mid-points of sides AB and CD respectively, then find the area of parallelogram AEFD.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

ABCD be a parallelogram.

Area of parallelogram = 124 cm2 (Given)

Consider a point P and join AP which is perpendicular to DC.

Now, Area of parallelogram EBCF = FC x AP and

Area of parallelogram AFED = DF x AP

Since F is the mid-point of DC, so DF = FC

From above results, we have

Area of parallelogram AEFD = Area of parallelogram EBCF = 1/2 (Area of parallelogram ABCD)

= 124/2

= 62

Area of parallelogram AEFD is 62 cm2.
