+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

(A conversation between a teacher and the student who has come late to the class)

Student: May ............ sir?

Teacher: Why are you late?

Student: lam sorry, sir. ..........

Teacher: Why did you miss the bus? You should have left the house early

Student: ..........Hereafter, I will leave the house 10 minutes early

Teacher: OK, come in.


1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  • Student: May I come in. sir?
  • Teacher: Why are you late?
  • Student: I am sorry, sir. I missed the bus
  • Teacher: Why did you miss the bus? You should have left the house early.
  • Student: I apologise, sir. Hereafter, I will leave the house 10 minutes early.
  • ‘Teacher: Ok, come in.
  • Student: Thank you very much, sir.