+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

At the bookstall on elderly man is struggling to read and copy the titles. Sourav offers to help him.

Old man: Oh! How forgetful lam. I have left my reading glosses.

Sourav : Sir, if you don’t mind ...............

Old mon : I am so thankful to you son.

Sourov : ..............

Old mon : .............. son, very

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Old man : Oh’ How forgetful I am. I have left my reading glasses.

Souray: Sii If you don’t mind can I read out the titles for you?

Oldman: I am so thankful to your son.

Souray: The pleasure is mine.

Oldman: Not many are as kind as your son, very grateful indeed.
