+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Explain the features of the dictatorial government.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

1. Absolute power: Dictatorship is characterized by absolute power where the dictator controls the constitution. He can make and unmake laws. All the laws must originate from him and there is neither a limit on his tenure nor is he subjected to any other authority.

2. Based on Force: Dictatorship stands on the twin pillars of force and coercion. The word of the dictator should be honored in letter and spirit. Any violation of the order may result in severe punishment or even *****.

3. Totalitarian state: Dictatorial regimes regulate and control all aspects of human existence. It provides security, basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing, education and order in society. In totalitarian state’* individual personality is suppressed and all aspects of an individual are regimented and brought under the control of the state. The totalitarian approach is well summarized by Mussolini when he says: “Everything within the state, nothing above the state, nothing outside the State’’. Thus, the State is the central point around which all human activities must revolve.

4. One Nation one party: In a dictatorship, for the whole state, there is only one constitution and the administration is managed by one single party and that is responsible for the whole state. Any kind of criticism of the party or the leadership is not tolerated. The distinct feature of dictatorship is its intolerance to criticism and new ideas.

5. No individual liberty: In a dictatorship, individual freedom and liberty do not find place. Freedom of thought and expression is restricted.
