+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Write the social condition of Aryans.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

1. Social conditions: The early vedic people developed a highly organised society, that was based on the principle of monogamy. Polygamy was practiced-only among the royal families. The eldest male member was the head of the family and was called ‘Kulapathi’ or ‘Grihapathi’.

There was no system of child marriage but widow remarriage prevailed. Marriage was considered a sacred bond and after marriage the bride lived in the house of the bridegroom. Usually a ***** family system prevailed among the Aryans.

2. Social divisions: The social divisions, chati vamas were based on professions. They were Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Sudra. People could change professions and hence change their vamas. Thus, there was mobility among the vamas.

3. Position of the ** : The status of in the family and in the society was high and they had equal rights with men. ** were educated and highly civilized for e.g.: Gargi, Maithreyi, Apala, Ghosha, Vishwavara, and others. had considerable freedom in selecting their life partners. * freely moved out of their houses and attended public functions. A high standard of morality was maintained.

4. Food and entertainment: People consumed wheat, barley, rice, fruit, vegetables, fish and meat and intoxicating drinks like soma and sura. Aryans wore clothes made of cotton and wool. Ornaments were used by both men and **, made of gold, silver, and flowers. Gambling, chariot and horse racing, hunting and dance were the popular entertainments. Education on the whole was *. It aimed at the development of character and was religions in nature.

During the later vedic **, polygamy and polyandry came into practice. Patriarchal system still continued, and the family system was quite common. were still allowed to get higher education and participate in the religious rites. But the were now under the protection of father or husband or a son. On the whole, position of the had considerably come down.

Varnas turned into many castes. Caste system became hereditary and very rigid. Brahmanas and Kshatriyas enjoyed a higher status compared to Vaishyas and Shudras. Life of an individual was divided into four stages called ashramas.

They were Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and Sanyasa. Education was imparted by learned teachers to the students. The aim of education was to develop knowledge, character, truthfulness and devotion. Gurus enjoyed great respect.

Living standard of the people was usually the same as it was in the early vedic civilization. People still lived in villages and small towns. Agriculture was the main profession of the people.
