+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

कायर मत बन कविता का सारांश अँग्रेजी में लिखें।

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

In this poem, the poet Narendra Sharma advises the reader not to be a coward.
The poet is imploring humanity to not be cowardly. The poet says’ that humans are free to be anything, but they must not be cowards. If there is a stone that is blocking one’ path, one must push it out of the way and move forward, rather than bow to the obstacle. Giving up is a ****, according to the poet.

The poet is advising mankind that it is not good to quarrel in life. How long can a person live a life of quarrelling and fighting, and by shedding tears of pain? Humanity has spent countless years of toil, blood and sweat to bring us to this stage. Thus, even without doing anything, we are doing something. The poet warns mankind not to cry over one’* weakness or cowardice. Once again, the poet tells the man that he is free to be anything but a coward.

The poet tells mankind that when someone calls upon us to ***** a war, we must not turn our back on them and ask others for help. The victory that is achieved through love must kiss the path that we tread. The poet asks the man if he does not know that taking revenge is not a good deed. However, cowardice is an even greater evil than revenge. Therefore, the poet tells the man to be everything except a coward.

The poet says that no price is too much for the protection of mankind. It is a fact that mankind and humanity are priceless. When a person destroys his or her ego, mankind and humanity are protected. This is the measure of truth. The poet tells the man that he may renounce everything for the sake of humanity and mankind, but should never bow in front of the wicked or evil. Once again, the poet reminds man that he may choose to become anything, but not a coward.
