+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Write some measures to remove *** in India?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Following steps should be taken to remove **** in India.*

1. Creation of employment opportunities:

There should be greater encouragement to small scale industries in rural areas, poultry farming, dairy farming and piggeries should be developed.

2. Population Control:

Population growth is a hindrance in our coming the problem of population. It should be checked. Various family planning methods should be adopted by the people. The people should be educated so that they understand the charm of a small sized family.

3. Economic development:

There should be improvement in agricultural and industries. Their production should be increased.

4. Provision of minimum needs :

The Government should provide water, housing, sanitation, other facilities. The public distribution system should be regulated properly. So that the poor people may get essential commodities at cheaper rates.

5. Removal of economic inequalities:

The Government should encourage small industries and agriculture. It should give incentive to industries in rural areas. The taxation policy should be progressive. The money collected by the Government should be spent on the *** of poor people.
