+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Prove that the intercept of a tangent between two parallel tangents to a circle subtends a right angle at centre.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Consider a circle with centre ‘O’ and has two parallel tangents through A & B at ends of diameter.

Let tangent through M intersect the parallel tangents at P and Q

Then, required to prove: ∠POQ = 90°.

From fig. it is clear that ABQP is a quadrilateral

∠A + ∠B = 90° + 90° = 180° [At point of contact tangent & radius are perpendicular]

∠A + ∠B + ∠P + ∠Q = 360° [Angle sum property of a quadilateral]


∠P + ∠Q = 360° – 180° = 180° … (i)

At P & Q

∠APO = ∠OPQ = 1/2 ∠P ….(ii)

∠BQO = ∠PQO = 1/2 ∠Q ….. (iii)

Using (ii) and (iii) in (i) ⇒

2∠OPQ + 2∠PQO = 180°

∠OPQ + ∠PQO = 90° … (iv)

In ∆OPQ,

∠OPQ + ∠PQO + ∠POQ = 180° [Angle sum property]

90° + ∠POQ = 180° [from (iv)]

∠POQ = 180° – 90° = 90°

Hence, ∠POQ = 90°
