+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Why, according to Juliet, would all the world stop paying worship to the garish sun? Explain.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Juliet, who has married Romeo in secret, is waiting impatiently for the arrival of night and along with with it her love, Romeo, when their marriage will get consummated. Now, Juliet is intensely in love with Romeo and feels passionate for him to possess her so that she can own ‘love’. But the ‘day’ appears to be moving very slowly and she apparently blames the sun for delaying her union with Romeo. Secondly, her natural longing to be with Romeo makes her blame the sun for being ‘lurid’ and obtrusively bright

Once the night arrives, and along with it Romeo, their love gets consummated. After her ***** she expects Romeo to go to the heavens like a star. She believes that her Romeo will make the face of heaven so fine that the whole world will fall in love with night.
