+3 votes
in Class 9 by kratos

Why is Axiom 5, in the list of Euclid’* axioms, considered a ‘universal truth’ ? (Note that the question is not about the fifth postulate).

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Euclid’* 5th Axiom of Euclid states that “The whole is greater than the part.”

This is universal truth. Because it is not applicable to Mathematics only. It is useful for all.

E.g. 1: ‘a’ is whole, ’b’ and ‘c’ are its parts.

a = b + c.

Now, a > b and a > c.

It means a is greater than b. a is greater than c.

E.g 2: If human body is full, fingers are its parts.

∴ “Human body is greater than-his fingers.”
