+2 votes
by kratos

By selling a book for Rs 258, a bookseller gains 20%. For how much should he sell it to gain 30%?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Given details are,

Selling price of book is = Rs 258

The man’* gain percent is = 20% of 100 = 20/100

So, let us consider the cost price of book be Rs x

By solving,

x + x×20/100 = 258

x + x/5 = 258

(5x+x)/5 = 258

By cross multiplying

6x= 5×258

x = 1290/6

= 215

Now, the cost price of book is = Rs 215

For a gain of 30% the man should sell the book at = 215 + 215×30/100

= 215 + 64.5

= 279.50

∴ To gain 30% the man should sell the book at Rs 279.50.
