+2 votes
by kratos

Following are some figures: Classify each of these figures on the basis of the following:

(i) Simple curve

(ii) Simple closed curve

(iii) Polygon

(iv) Convex polygon

(v) Concave polygon

(vi) Not a curve

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) It is a Simple Closed curve and a concave polygon. This is a simple closed curve and as a concave polygon all the vertices are not pointing outwards.

(ii) It is a Simple closed curve and a convex polygon. This is a simple closed curve and as a convex polygon all the vertices are pointing outwards.

(iii) It is Not a curve and hence it is not a polygon.

(iv) It is Not a curve and hence it is not a polygon.

(v) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.

(vi) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.

(vii) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.

(viii) It is a Simple closed curve but not a polygon.
