+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

कोशिश करनेवालों की कभी हार नहीं होती कहानी का सारांश अँग्रेजी में लिखें।

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Continuous efforts leads to success and there is no ** of ** Summary in English:*

Sri Sohanlal Dwivedi is one of the famous poets of Hindi. By giving simple examples of life he has expressed that continuous and constant efforts ensures success and there is no **** of defeat.

The poet conveys the message that constant efforts ensures success by giving simple line examples. He gives the example of ants who carry food, slip several times from the wall but reach the destination without fail. Similarly sea divers **** into the sea in search of precious pearls and return empty-handed. But by repeated efforts will be successful in securing precious pearls.

Hence, the poet calls for constant efforts to achieve success and warns people against running away from their goal out of of **. Thus the poet conveys that continuous efforts leads to success and there cannot be of ****.
