+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

निबन्ध :

नारी तुम केवल श्रद्धा हो पर निबन्ध अँग्रेजी में लिखें।

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Women Part Of Sincerity Summary in English:

There is a respectable place for ladies in India. Since ancient days **** have been respected with trust and devotion. The woman is in the form of a mother, sister, wife and in many other forms. A man’ life is incomplete without a woman. There is a good wherever a woman is respected. Since the time of Veda and Upanishad, a woman has learnt different Shastras mathematics and science.

Our Indian rivers have been given names like Ganga, Yamuna, Kaveri and Narmada. Thus a woman has been given maximum importance. But liberty has been taken away from her. A woman is under the shelter of her father in her childhood days and under the control of her husband and her *** lastly. Now the situation has been changed and a woman is becoming equal to man in each and every field like science, education music, employment and politics.

E.g. Sarojini Naidu became the first woman governor and showed Gandhi became the Primeminister of her India and showed her guts to the world.
