+2 votes
by kratos

Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. The ancient Greek was called ……

  2. Athens is the capital of ………….. state

  3. Pericles ** is called as ………….. Athens

  4. Athens state organized a federation of city states called ………

  5. The most famous painter of Greek civilization was ……

  6. Question 6. Alexandira city build by ………

  7. ‘I really don’t know’, ‘similarly you also don’t know’ said by ……

  8. The famous book of plato is ………

  9. The wrestlers of ancient Rome were called ………

  10. Pliny’ encyclopedia’ Name is ………

  11. The unique contribution of Romans to the field of ……

  12. The Axtec **** literature has been translated by Spanish Historians called as ………

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. Hellens

  2. Attica

  3. Golden Age

  4. Confederacy of Delos

  5. Polygnatus

  6. Alexanders

  7. Socrates

  8. The Repubilc

  9. Gladiators

  10. Natural History

  11. Legal studies

  12. Indian Codices
