+1 vote
in Class 9 by kratos

Write in detail about Mahaveera’* life.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Vardhmana was born in Kundala grama village in Vaishali. His father was Siddhartha, the king of the Gantrika tribe. His mother was Trishaladevi Vardhamana was married to Yashodara, at the age of 30 Vardhamanas set out in search of truth and renounced his family and house. He punished his body by fasting. At the age of 42 he enlightenment and became to be known as ‘Mahaveera’ and became a Jina. He spent 30 years in preaching his knowledge to the people around Ganga and Yamuna rivers. He attained nirvana in his 72nd year in Pavapuri of Bihar
