+3 votes
by kratos

Choose the correct options:

  1. Deepavamsha and mahavamsha belongs to ………….

a) Srilanka

b) Pataliputra

c) Shravana belagola

d) Kalinga

  1. Kalinga war fought in year …………..

a) 324 B.C.E

b) 367 B.C.E

c) 261 B.C.E

d) 273 B.C.E

  1. Devanampriya priyadarshi reference appears for the Ist time at ……………… inscription.

a) Maski

b) Samath

c) Paraliputra

d) Suvhrnagiri

  1. The main source of income for king was

a) Fine

b) Land tax

c) Tribute

d) War

  1. Gold coins were brought out into circulation during ………………… ** of Kushana.

a) Kujalakadphisus

b) Kanishka

c) Vimalakad phisus

d) Vimakad phisus

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. a). Srilanka

  2. c). 261 B.C.E

  3. a). Maski

  4. b). Land tax

  5. c). Vimakad phisus
