+2 votes
by kratos

Identify the like terms in the following algebraic expressions:

(i) a2 + b2-2a2 + c2 + 4a

(ii) 3x + 4xy − 2yz + 52zy

(iii) abc + ab2c + 2acb2+ 3c2ab + b2ac − 2a2bc + 3cab2

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

(i) Given a2 + b2-2a2 + c2 + 4a

The like terms in the given algebraic expressions are a2 and −2a2.

(ii) Given 3x + 4xy − 2yz + 52zy

The like terms in the given algebraic expressions are -2yz and 5/2zy.

(iii) Given abc + ab2c + 2acb2+ 3c2ab + b2ac − 2a2bc + 3cab2

The like terms in the given algebraic expressions are ab2c, 2acb2, b2ac and 3cab2.
