+3 votes
by kratos

Write the advantages of Bio-Fertilizers.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

The advantages of Bio – Fertilizers are:

  1. Increase soil fertility

  2. It promotes plant growth

  3. Safe guard the quality of crop products

  4. Rhizobium, blue green algae help to mobilize phosphorous.

  5. Avoid soil and water pollution due to excess.

  6. The decomposition is more intense in a heap and cover it with a layer of soil.

  7. Sprinkle water over the heap to keep the matter moist go on heaping layer after layer untill the pit is full.

  8. Keep adding water after each heap.

  9. Microbes break up the organic matter in to simple forms.

  10. Adding earthworms also enriches the manure.
