+3 votes
by kratos

Fill up the blanks with the words given:

[herbivore, plant, milk,sugarcane, carnivore]

a. Tiger is a ___ because it eats only meat.

b. Deer eat only plant products and so, is called ___

c. Parrot eats only ____ products

d. The ____ that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an

e. We get sugar from ____

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

a. Tiger is a Carnivore because it eats only meat.

b. Deer eat only plant products and so, is called Herbivore.

c. Parrot eats only Plant products

d. The Milk that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.

e. We get sugar from Sugarcane.
