+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Write a note on the development of Vijaynagar’* literature.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Among the literary creations of Vijaynagar, treatises related to religion, history, biographics, and poetry are available. Under the guidance of Sayana, a council of scholars wrote Bhashyas (commentaries) on all four Vedas, many Brahminical tomes and Aranyakas.

Under the patronage of Krishnadeva Rai, Ishwar Dixit wrote two commentaries on epic named ‘Hemkoot’. Agatsya composed many poems and poetic works, of these, on some, Krishnadeva’* minister Salua Timmar wrote commentaries. The greatest ruler of Vijaynagar, Krishnadeva Rai was a poet of superior calibre and fine writer, who had a scholarly knowledge of Sanskrit and Telugu languages.

Krishnadeva Rai also wrote a Sanskrit play ‘Jambavati Kalyanam’. Eight excellent Telugu poets lived in the court of Krishnadeva Rai. Also many poets received patronage in his court. Rajnath’* Saaluvabhiyuday’ and ‘Bhagwat Champu’ are especially notable in literature.
