+2 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Give one word for the following
(a) Farming without the use of chemicals as fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides is known as ———.
(b) Growing of wheat and groundnut on the same field is called as ———.
(c) Planting soyabean and maize in alternate rows in the same field is called as ———.
(d) Growing different crops on a piece of land in pre-planned succession is known as———.
(e) Xanthium and Parthenium are commonly known as———.
(f) Causal organism of any *** is called as ———.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) organic farming

(b) mixed cropping

(c) inter cropping
(d) crop rotation

(e) weeds

(f) pathogen
