+2 votes
in Class 9 by kratos

Find the day of the week on 18July, 1776(leap year)

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Here 1600 years have ‘0’ odd day .......(A).

100years have ‘5’ odd days ..........(B)

75years = (18leap years + 57ordinary years)

= (18 × 2 + 57 × 1)

= 93odd days

= (7 × 13 + 2) = ‘2’ odd days ........(C)

Now, the no. of days from 1st January to 18 July, 1776

= 182 + 18 = 200days

= (28 × 7 + 4)days = ‘4’odd days ...... (D)

Adding (A) + (B) + (C) + (D),

We get, 0 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 04odd days

Ans. Thursday
