+3 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Fa-Hien’* mission to India was to

(a) learn about the administrative system of the Gupta kings

(b) understand the social position of during the Gupta *

(c) visit the Buddhist institutions and to collect copies of Buddhist manuscripts

(d) get full knowledge about the condition of peasants during the ** of Gupta kings

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(c) Fa-hien was a ** monk who travelled India during the age of Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya. He travelled during C 399-414. Fa-hien wanted to go to India to search for the treatises of the Vinaya Pitaka, the monastic rules of BUDDHISM. Travelling through Central Asia and Northwest India, Fa-hien reached northern India and then visited the holy Buddhist sites located in the Ganges valley: Kapilavastu, the birthplace of Buddha; Bodhgaya, the site of Buddha’ enlightenment; Sarnath, where Buddha preached his first sermon, and Kushinagara, the place of Buddha’* nirvana.
