+3 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Explain any two of the following with Reference to the Context:

There was a time indeed.

They used to shake hands with their hearts But that’* gone, son

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Reference: This line is from the poem “Once upon a time” written by Gabriel Okara.

Context: The poet speaks about the falsity concealed behind smiles and the lack of innocence of childhood.

Explanation: The poet, Okara observes a marked change in the altitude of Africans. Those who were once so genuine, warm and sincere, have now suddenly turned cold and hostile towards him. He realizes that the early values like sincerity, goodnaturedness, simplicity, whole-heartedness, hospitality, friendliness, originality and uniqueness have now drastically changed. The earlier warmth has gone.
