+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Do as directed

(a) Convert the Decimal number 736 into Hexadecimal number.

(b) Convert the Octal number 246.45 into Hexadecimal number.

(c) Convert the Hexadecimal number A B F C into Octal number.

(d) Covert the Octal number 576 to Decimal.

(e) Convert the Hexadecimal number A 5 C 1 to Decimal,

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) Convert the Decimal number 736 into the Hexadecimal number.

(b) Convert the Octal number 246.45 into Hexadecimal number.

(c) Convert the Hexadecimal number ABF.C into Octal number.

(d) Covert the Octal number 576 to Decimal.

(e) Convert the Hexadecimal number A5C1 to Decimal
