+2 votes
in JEE by kratos

Joy loves to play football and was selected as captain of the school team for the district level tournament. He also does social work. He attended a blood donation camp to donate blood and came to know that he was *** positive. He lost interest in games and refused to play or study. He started counting his days. He remained absent from school for a long time. The Biology teacher visited his house and counselled him. Joy was back at school and also played the tournament.

a) What sense of responsibility did the Biology teacher exhibit?

b) A person detected to be *** positive should be isolated in the society? Do you agree? Why/ Why not?

c) How is AIDS not spread.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

a) The teacher shows social and moral responsibility along with his commitment to service as a professional teacher.

b) No. AIDS is not a contagious *** and does not spread until a blood/ body fluid contact is established.

c) AIDS is not spread by: body contact in crowded place, hand shaking, sharing telephone, meal, utensil or clothings, light kissing, using same ** seat or even swimming pool. It is not transmitted by blood sucking vectors or by coughing and sneezing.
