+1 vote
by kratos

Fill in blanks.

  1. The Later Vedic ** is also known as the ..................

  2. The two Indian epics of this ** are.............. and the.................

  3. In ancient times, Varanasi was known as............ and Awadh was known as ..............

  4. When a king ascended the throne, the purohita performed the ................

  5. During the .......... stage of his life an Aryan stayed in a gurukul and received education from a guru.

  6. A guru treated his students like his ............. and the students regarded the guru as their ..........

  7. ............ and............were two highly educated of the Early Vedic *.

  8. In the Later Vedic Age, the classification of society into four varnas became ............. and hereditar

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer
  1. The Later Vedic ** is also known as the Epic Age.

  2. The two Indian epics of this ** are Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

  3. In ancient times, Varanasi was known as Kashi and Awadh was known as Kosala

  4. When a king ascended the throne, the purohita performed the Rajasuya

  5. During the first stage of his life an Aryan stayed in a gurukul and received education from a guru.

  6. A guru treated his students like his own children and the students regarded the guru as their spiritul father

  7. Maitreyi and Gargi were two highly educated of the Early Vedic *.

  8. In the Later Vedic Age, the classification of society into four varnas became rigid and hereditar
