+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Rearrange the following words as they would appear in a dictionary.

starvation, fatty, calories, vegetarian, nutrition, dairy, protein, pumpkin, preserve, pepper, peel, potato calories, dairy, fatty, nutrition, peel, pepper, potato, preserve, protein, pumpkin, starvation, vegetarian.

(a) Find the guide words which will help you to look up each of the following words. You can refer to any dictionary.

| Word | Guide Words |
| buffalo | |
| element | |
| forest | |
| language | |
| persuade | |

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

| Word | Guide Words |
| buffalo | brow | bugbear |
| element | electrode | eloquence |
| forest | forego | forsake |
| language | landgrave | laser |
| persuade | periwinkle | pertain |
